How to write better programs in Python with Pytest - Part 1

Pytest is the battle tested tool to test complex python programs with relative ease

How to upload and version your model files using github

Model files are usually larger than 100MB filesize allowed by github, this tutorial will show you how to upload your large model file to github with versioning using git lfs.

Building Powerful Distributed Applications with Celery in Python.

Celery Advanced Tutorial with Task Binding, AsyncResult Handling, Status Updates, and Concurrency Control

Fill in the Blank with BERT - NLP Masked Language Modeling with Transformers and PyTorch

One of the most common applications of Hugging Face Transformers and BERT is the fill-in-the-blank task, where you need to predict a missing word or phrase in a sentence. This task is also known as masked language modeling, and it is one of the pre-training objectives used in BERT.