Unleashing the Titans - The Spectacular Rise of the AI War, A Technological Renaissance!

Witness the dawn of a new era as the world embarks on an exhilarating AI war, a battle of minds that rivals the transformative epochs of the Cold War and the Renaissance. Organizations, armed with the remarkable power of artificial intelligence, are poised to unleash an unprecedented wave of innovation.

Distributed training on Multiple servers with Nvidia GPUs and Huggingface Trainer

Training with Larger batch sizes across multiple GPU servers can reduce your overall trainining time and hence the time to production.

Finding Text Similarity using Huggingface Transformers and PyTorch

This tutorial explains how to use the Hugging Face Transformers library and PyTorch to find the similarity between two texts. This is interesting as well as necessary for many computational tasks involving text such as information retrieval systems and question answering systems.

Realtime Python Logging with logstash

Logging is very important when it comes to monitoring and debugging your application. Setting up logging the correct way can save a lot of development hours and making this log available in a searchable fashion in the cloud is essential.